इस लेख के लिखे जाने का उद्देश्य केवल दाह-संस्कार की उत्तम रीती से अवगत कराना तथा यह दफ़न करने की प्रक्रिया से किस प्रकार उत्तम है ये बताना है ।
…सो आप हमारी समाधी में से चुनके एक में अपने मृतक को गाडिये। जिसमे आप अपने मृतक को गाड़े ।
- तौरेत उत्पत्ति पर्व २३ । आ० ६
"In the choice of our sepulchers bury thy dead….. but that thou mayest bury the dead." (23:6.)
समीक्षक - मुर्दों को गाड़ने से संसार कि बड़ी हानि होती है , क्योंकि वह सड़के वायु को दुर्गन्धमय कर रोग फेला देता है ।
The burial of the dead is highly injurious to the (health of the inhabitants of the ) world,
because decomposition of dead bodies sets in the pollutes the air which in its turn gives rise to
प्रश्न - देखो ! जिससे प्रीति हो उसको जलाना अच्छी बात नही । और गाड़ना जैसा कि उसको सुला देना है । इसलिए गाड़ना अच्छा है ।
Q. - It is not good to cremate those whom we love, while the burial of the dead is like
laying them down to sleep; hence this mode of the disposal of the dead is good.
उत्तर - जो मृतक से प्रीति करते हो तो अपने घर में क्यों नही रखते ? और गाड़ते भी क्यों हो ? जिस जीवात्मा से प्रीति थी वह निकल गया , अब दुर्गन्धमय मिटटी से क्या प्रीति ?
और जो प्रीति करते हो तो उसे पृथिवी में क्यों गाड़ते हो , क्योकि किसी से कोई कहे कि तुझको भूमि में गाड़ देवें तो वह सुनकर कभी प्रसन्न नही होता ।
उसके मुख, आँख , और शरीर पर धूल , पत्थर , ईंट, चुना डालना , छाती पर पत्थर रखना कौनसा प्रीति का काम है ?
और संदूक में डालके गाड़ने से बहुत दुर्गन्ध होकर पृथिवी से निकल वायु को बिगाड़ कर दारुण रोगोत्पत्ति करता है ।
दूसरा एक मुर्दे के लिए कम से कम ६ हाथ लम्बी और ४ हाथ चौड़ी भूमि चाहिए । इसी हिसाब से सौ , हजार व लाख और करोड़ों मनुष्यों के लिए कितनी भूमि व्यर्थ रुक जाती है ।
न वह खेत , न बगीचा और न वसने [निवास करने] के काम कि रहती है , इसलिए गाड़ना सबसे बुरा है।
उससे कुछ थोडा बुरा जल में डालना, क्योंकि उसको जलजन्तु उसी समय चिर फाड़ खा लेते है परन्तु जो कुछ हाड व् मल जल में रहेगा वह सड़ कर जगत को दुःख दायक होगा ।
उससे कुछ एक थोडा बुरा जंगल में छोड़ना है । क्योकि उसको मांसाहारी पशुपक्षी लूंच खायेंगे तथापि जो उसके हाड, हाड़ की मज्जा और मल सड़कर जितना दुर्गन्ध करेगा , उतना जगत का अनुपकार होगा ।
और जो जलना है वह सर्वात्तम है , क्योंकि उसके सब पदार्थ अणु होकर वायु में उड़ जायेंगे ।
Ans. If you love your dead, why don't you keep them in the house? Why do you even bury them?
The soul you love leaves the body after death, what is the good of loving the dead decomposing
body? But since you love it, why do you bury it under the ground? It pleases no one to be
addressed "Let us bury your under the ground." Besides, how can it be and act of love on your part to throw earth, bricks,
stones, lime, etc. on his eyes, mouth chest and other parts of the body? If the dead body be place
in a coffin before it is buried, foul smell issues forth from the ground. Ti then pollutes the air which
int run gives rise to terrible diseases. Again, a piece measuring at least 3 yards long, and 2 yards
broad is required for burying one dead body. At this rate one can imagine how much ground is
required for the burial of hundreds of thousands of dead bodies and rendered useless. That
ground can neither be tilled, nor used for gardening, nor can it be fit for human habitation. Hence
burial is the worst of all methods in vogue for the disposal of the dead.
A little better than this is to throw the dead body into (flowing) water, because crocodiles and
other creatures living in water soon tear it into pieces and at it up, but still the bones and other
matter that will remain behind will decompose and pollute the water and air and thereby injure the
(health of the inhabitants of the0 world. A little less injurious method (of disposing of the dead) is
to leave the body in a jungle. Carnivorous animals and birds will devour it but sill the extent to
which the marrow of bones and other refuse behind, will pollute the air, the same will be the
measure of its being injurious to public health. The cremation is the best of all (methods for the
disposal of the dead) because the fire breaks up the dead body into its component elements
which are carried away by air.
प्रश्न- क्या मुर्दे के धुंएँ से दुर्गन्ध नही होता ?
Q. - Even cremation gives rise to foul smell.
उत्तर - हाँ ! जो अविधि से जलावे तो थोडासा होता है , परन्तु गाड़ने आदि से बहुत कम होता है ।
और जो विधिपूर्वक जैसा कि वेद में लिखा है - वेदी मुर्दे के तीन हाथ गहिरी , साढ़े तीन हाथ चौड़ी , पांच हाथ लम्बी , तले में डेड़ बीता अर्थात चढ़ा उतार खोदकर शारीर के बराबर घी , उसमे एक सेर में रत्तीभर कस्तूरी , मासाभर केशर डाल न्यून से न्यून आध मन चन्दन, अधिक चाहें जितना लें , अगर , तगर , कपूर आदि और पलाश आदि कि लकड़ियों को वेदी में जमा , उस पर मुर्दा रखके पुनः चारों ओर ऊपर वेदी के मुख से एक बीता
तक भरके उस घी कि आहुति देकर जलना लिखा है ,
उस प्रकार दाह करें तो कुछ भी दुर्गन्ध न हो , किन्तु इसी का नाम अंत्येष्टि , नरमेघ , पुरुषमेघ यज्ञ है ।
और जो दरिद्र हो तो बीस सेर से कम घी चिता में न डालें , चाहें वह भीख मांगने वा जातिवाले से देने अथवा राज से मिलने से प्राप्त हो , परन्तु उसी प्रकार दाह करें। और जो घृतादि किसी प्रकार न मिल सके तथापि गाड़ने आदि से केवल लकड़ी से भी मृतक का जलना उत्तम है , क्योकि एक विश्वाभर भूमि में अथवा एक वेदी में लाखों करोड़ो मृतक जल सकते है । भूमि भी गाड़ने के समान अधिक नही बिगड़ती और कब्र आदि के देखने से भय भी होता है , इससे गाड़ना आदि सर्वथा निषिद्ध है ।
Ans. Yes a little, if cremation be not conducted properly, but nothing compared with what takes
place in other methods, such as the burial. But if cremation be conducted in accordance with
what has been prescribed in the Vedas, not pollution of the air results. The Vedic method of
cremation is, in brief, as follows:-
Let a Vedi, 7' 6'' feet long, 5' 3" broad and 4' 6" deep, be dug in the ground. The walls should
slope in such a manner that breadth of the Vedi at the bottom is one-half of that at the top, and let
sufficient quantity of wood of such trees, as Butea Fondoea as well as sandal wood (at least
40lbs.) be piled in the Vedi and the dead body placed on it. Let the same kind of wood be put on
its top till it is one foot short of the mouth of Vedi. Let sufficient amount of camphor, agar, tagar be
also scattered here and there in the pile of wood. Not, let fire be st to the pile and oblations of
clarified butter, whole amount of which should weigh as much as the weight of the dead body, and to which musk, at the rate of I grain, and saffron, at the rate of 8
grains, per pound of ghee, has been added, be poured over it. This mode of cremation causes no
foul smell. Even this is called Antyeshthi, Narmedha, Purushmedha Yajna. however poor the
deceased be, in no case should less than 40 lbs. of ghee be used in cremating the body, whether
that quantity of ghee be obtained by begging or as a gift from his caste-people or from the
Government, if need be, but the body should always be cremated only in the above-described
But if the Ghee and other materials (mentioned above) could not be procured in any way, mere
cremation with wood alone is far better than burial. Millions of dead bodies can be cremated on a
piece of ground having an area of 201/4 sq. yards or even in one Vedi, nor is the soil polluted as
in burial. The sight of graves is also the cause of fear to the timid. Hence, burial and other
methods of disposal of the dead are altogether reprehensible.
- सत्यार्थ प्रकाश , अ० १३ । The light of truth, Ch. 13
आजकल बढ़ती जनसंख्यां तथा वातावरण आदि कि शुद्धि को ध्यान में रखते हुए दुनिया के कई भागों में अंत्येष्टि प्रक्रियां अपनाई जाने लगी है कुछ आंकड़ें देखते है -
The first prominent advocate of cremation in Britain was Sir Henry Thompson, Surgeon to Queen Victoria. He had seen a model cremation apparatus at the Vienna Exposition of 1873 and believed it offered a way to help reduce “the propagation of disease among a population daily growing larger in relation to the area it occupied”. In 1874 he founded the Cremation Society of England, which argued for cremation to be formally accepted in law. The Society also built Britain’s first crematorium in Woking in Surrey in 1878.
In 1902 a new Act of Parliament gave the Home Secretary the power to regulate cremation. In that year, less than 0.1% of all deaths led to a cremation. By 2010, cremations comprised 73% of all deaths.
China cremates more people each year than any other country, reporting 4,534,000 cremations out of 9,348,453 deaths (a 48.50% rate) in 2008
Japan has one of the highest cremation rates in the world with the country reporting a cremation rate of 99.85% in 2008
The cremation rate in the United Kingdom has been increasing steadily with the national average rate rising from 34.70% in 1960 to 72.44% in 2008
The cremation rate in Canada has been increasing steadily with the national average rate rising from 5.89% in 1970 to 68.4% in 2009
The cremation rate in the United States has been increasing steadily with the national average rate rising from 3.56% in 1960 to 40.62% in 2010 and projections from the Cremation Association of North America forecasting a rate of 44.42% in 2015 and 55.65% in 2025
The cremation rate in Australia is quite high, being similar to other English speaking countries like Canada. Records show that slightly over 65% of all deaths were cremated in 2008
New Zealand's rate is slightly higher than Australia's, with 70% of all deaths being cremations in 2008
बढ़ती जनसँख्या के कारण दफ़न करने हेतु भूमि का अप्राप्य होना भी लोगो के लिए चिंता का विषय बनता जा रहा है तथा दफ़न करना भी अत्यधिक महंगा सिद्ध हो रहा है |
वेदों की ओर लौटो ।
…सो आप हमारी समाधी में से चुनके एक में अपने मृतक को गाडिये। जिसमे आप अपने मृतक को गाड़े ।
- तौरेत उत्पत्ति पर्व २३ । आ० ६
"In the choice of our sepulchers bury thy dead….. but that thou mayest bury the dead." (23:6.)
समीक्षक - मुर्दों को गाड़ने से संसार कि बड़ी हानि होती है , क्योंकि वह सड़के वायु को दुर्गन्धमय कर रोग फेला देता है ।
The burial of the dead is highly injurious to the (health of the inhabitants of the ) world,
because decomposition of dead bodies sets in the pollutes the air which in its turn gives rise to
प्रश्न - देखो ! जिससे प्रीति हो उसको जलाना अच्छी बात नही । और गाड़ना जैसा कि उसको सुला देना है । इसलिए गाड़ना अच्छा है ।
Q. - It is not good to cremate those whom we love, while the burial of the dead is like
laying them down to sleep; hence this mode of the disposal of the dead is good.
उत्तर - जो मृतक से प्रीति करते हो तो अपने घर में क्यों नही रखते ? और गाड़ते भी क्यों हो ? जिस जीवात्मा से प्रीति थी वह निकल गया , अब दुर्गन्धमय मिटटी से क्या प्रीति ?
और जो प्रीति करते हो तो उसे पृथिवी में क्यों गाड़ते हो , क्योकि किसी से कोई कहे कि तुझको भूमि में गाड़ देवें तो वह सुनकर कभी प्रसन्न नही होता ।
उसके मुख, आँख , और शरीर पर धूल , पत्थर , ईंट, चुना डालना , छाती पर पत्थर रखना कौनसा प्रीति का काम है ?
और संदूक में डालके गाड़ने से बहुत दुर्गन्ध होकर पृथिवी से निकल वायु को बिगाड़ कर दारुण रोगोत्पत्ति करता है ।
दूसरा एक मुर्दे के लिए कम से कम ६ हाथ लम्बी और ४ हाथ चौड़ी भूमि चाहिए । इसी हिसाब से सौ , हजार व लाख और करोड़ों मनुष्यों के लिए कितनी भूमि व्यर्थ रुक जाती है ।
न वह खेत , न बगीचा और न वसने [निवास करने] के काम कि रहती है , इसलिए गाड़ना सबसे बुरा है।
![]() |
इराक में स्थित एक कब्रस्थान | Cemetery located in the city of Najaf, Iraq. |
उससे कुछ थोडा बुरा जल में डालना, क्योंकि उसको जलजन्तु उसी समय चिर फाड़ खा लेते है परन्तु जो कुछ हाड व् मल जल में रहेगा वह सड़ कर जगत को दुःख दायक होगा ।
उससे कुछ एक थोडा बुरा जंगल में छोड़ना है । क्योकि उसको मांसाहारी पशुपक्षी लूंच खायेंगे तथापि जो उसके हाड, हाड़ की मज्जा और मल सड़कर जितना दुर्गन्ध करेगा , उतना जगत का अनुपकार होगा ।
और जो जलना है वह सर्वात्तम है , क्योंकि उसके सब पदार्थ अणु होकर वायु में उड़ जायेंगे ।
Ans. If you love your dead, why don't you keep them in the house? Why do you even bury them?
The soul you love leaves the body after death, what is the good of loving the dead decomposing
body? But since you love it, why do you bury it under the ground? It pleases no one to be
addressed "Let us bury your under the ground." Besides, how can it be and act of love on your part to throw earth, bricks,
stones, lime, etc. on his eyes, mouth chest and other parts of the body? If the dead body be place
in a coffin before it is buried, foul smell issues forth from the ground. Ti then pollutes the air which
int run gives rise to terrible diseases. Again, a piece measuring at least 3 yards long, and 2 yards
broad is required for burying one dead body. At this rate one can imagine how much ground is
required for the burial of hundreds of thousands of dead bodies and rendered useless. That
ground can neither be tilled, nor used for gardening, nor can it be fit for human habitation. Hence
burial is the worst of all methods in vogue for the disposal of the dead.
A little better than this is to throw the dead body into (flowing) water, because crocodiles and
other creatures living in water soon tear it into pieces and at it up, but still the bones and other
matter that will remain behind will decompose and pollute the water and air and thereby injure the
(health of the inhabitants of the0 world. A little less injurious method (of disposing of the dead) is
to leave the body in a jungle. Carnivorous animals and birds will devour it but sill the extent to
which the marrow of bones and other refuse behind, will pollute the air, the same will be the
measure of its being injurious to public health. The cremation is the best of all (methods for the
disposal of the dead) because the fire breaks up the dead body into its component elements
which are carried away by air.
प्रश्न- क्या मुर्दे के धुंएँ से दुर्गन्ध नही होता ?
Q. - Even cremation gives rise to foul smell.
उत्तर - हाँ ! जो अविधि से जलावे तो थोडासा होता है , परन्तु गाड़ने आदि से बहुत कम होता है ।
और जो विधिपूर्वक जैसा कि वेद में लिखा है - वेदी मुर्दे के तीन हाथ गहिरी , साढ़े तीन हाथ चौड़ी , पांच हाथ लम्बी , तले में डेड़ बीता अर्थात चढ़ा उतार खोदकर शारीर के बराबर घी , उसमे एक सेर में रत्तीभर कस्तूरी , मासाभर केशर डाल न्यून से न्यून आध मन चन्दन, अधिक चाहें जितना लें , अगर , तगर , कपूर आदि और पलाश आदि कि लकड़ियों को वेदी में जमा , उस पर मुर्दा रखके पुनः चारों ओर ऊपर वेदी के मुख से एक बीता
तक भरके उस घी कि आहुति देकर जलना लिखा है ,
उस प्रकार दाह करें तो कुछ भी दुर्गन्ध न हो , किन्तु इसी का नाम अंत्येष्टि , नरमेघ , पुरुषमेघ यज्ञ है ।
और जो दरिद्र हो तो बीस सेर से कम घी चिता में न डालें , चाहें वह भीख मांगने वा जातिवाले से देने अथवा राज से मिलने से प्राप्त हो , परन्तु उसी प्रकार दाह करें। और जो घृतादि किसी प्रकार न मिल सके तथापि गाड़ने आदि से केवल लकड़ी से भी मृतक का जलना उत्तम है , क्योकि एक विश्वाभर भूमि में अथवा एक वेदी में लाखों करोड़ो मृतक जल सकते है । भूमि भी गाड़ने के समान अधिक नही बिगड़ती और कब्र आदि के देखने से भय भी होता है , इससे गाड़ना आदि सर्वथा निषिद्ध है ।
Ans. Yes a little, if cremation be not conducted properly, but nothing compared with what takes
place in other methods, such as the burial. But if cremation be conducted in accordance with
what has been prescribed in the Vedas, not pollution of the air results. The Vedic method of
cremation is, in brief, as follows:-
Let a Vedi, 7' 6'' feet long, 5' 3" broad and 4' 6" deep, be dug in the ground. The walls should
slope in such a manner that breadth of the Vedi at the bottom is one-half of that at the top, and let
sufficient quantity of wood of such trees, as Butea Fondoea as well as sandal wood (at least
40lbs.) be piled in the Vedi and the dead body placed on it. Let the same kind of wood be put on
its top till it is one foot short of the mouth of Vedi. Let sufficient amount of camphor, agar, tagar be
also scattered here and there in the pile of wood. Not, let fire be st to the pile and oblations of
clarified butter, whole amount of which should weigh as much as the weight of the dead body, and to which musk, at the rate of I grain, and saffron, at the rate of 8
grains, per pound of ghee, has been added, be poured over it. This mode of cremation causes no
foul smell. Even this is called Antyeshthi, Narmedha, Purushmedha Yajna. however poor the
deceased be, in no case should less than 40 lbs. of ghee be used in cremating the body, whether
that quantity of ghee be obtained by begging or as a gift from his caste-people or from the
Government, if need be, but the body should always be cremated only in the above-described
But if the Ghee and other materials (mentioned above) could not be procured in any way, mere
cremation with wood alone is far better than burial. Millions of dead bodies can be cremated on a
piece of ground having an area of 201/4 sq. yards or even in one Vedi, nor is the soil polluted as
in burial. The sight of graves is also the cause of fear to the timid. Hence, burial and other
methods of disposal of the dead are altogether reprehensible.
- सत्यार्थ प्रकाश , अ० १३ । The light of truth, Ch. 13
आजकल बढ़ती जनसंख्यां तथा वातावरण आदि कि शुद्धि को ध्यान में रखते हुए दुनिया के कई भागों में अंत्येष्टि प्रक्रियां अपनाई जाने लगी है कुछ आंकड़ें देखते है -
The first prominent advocate of cremation in Britain was Sir Henry Thompson, Surgeon to Queen Victoria. He had seen a model cremation apparatus at the Vienna Exposition of 1873 and believed it offered a way to help reduce “the propagation of disease among a population daily growing larger in relation to the area it occupied”. In 1874 he founded the Cremation Society of England, which argued for cremation to be formally accepted in law. The Society also built Britain’s first crematorium in Woking in Surrey in 1878.
In 1902 a new Act of Parliament gave the Home Secretary the power to regulate cremation. In that year, less than 0.1% of all deaths led to a cremation. By 2010, cremations comprised 73% of all deaths.
China cremates more people each year than any other country, reporting 4,534,000 cremations out of 9,348,453 deaths (a 48.50% rate) in 2008
Japan has one of the highest cremation rates in the world with the country reporting a cremation rate of 99.85% in 2008
The cremation rate in the United Kingdom has been increasing steadily with the national average rate rising from 34.70% in 1960 to 72.44% in 2008
The cremation rate in Canada has been increasing steadily with the national average rate rising from 5.89% in 1970 to 68.4% in 2009
The cremation rate in the United States has been increasing steadily with the national average rate rising from 3.56% in 1960 to 40.62% in 2010 and projections from the Cremation Association of North America forecasting a rate of 44.42% in 2015 and 55.65% in 2025
The cremation rate in Australia is quite high, being similar to other English speaking countries like Canada. Records show that slightly over 65% of all deaths were cremated in 2008
New Zealand's rate is slightly higher than Australia's, with 70% of all deaths being cremations in 2008
बढ़ती जनसँख्या के कारण दफ़न करने हेतु भूमि का अप्राप्य होना भी लोगो के लिए चिंता का विषय बनता जा रहा है तथा दफ़न करना भी अत्यधिक महंगा सिद्ध हो रहा है |
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